SSI-MCS-10.242 | Animal Cell, from Amphibian Skin |
SSI-MCS-10.243 | Animal Cell, from Mouth Smear |
SSI-MCS-10.244 | Anus sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.245 | Aorta (Larger Artery) c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.246 | Artery & Vein sec. in same slide |
SSI-MCS-10.247 | Artery, Vein & Nerve sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.248 | Artery c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.249 | Bile Duct c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.250 | Blood(RBC) |
SSI-MCS-10.251 | Blood(WBC) |
SSI-MCS-10.252 | Blood Smear |
SSI-MCS-10.253 | Bone c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.254 | Bone l.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.255 | Bone Calcified c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.256 | Bone Compact c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.257 | Bone Decalcified c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.258 | Bone Developing sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.259 | Bone Ground Thin Section |
SSI-MCS-10.260 | Bone Marrow |
SSI-MCS-10.261 | Bone Spongy (Cancellous) sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.262 | Brain c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.263 | Brain l.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.264 | Brain Cerebellum c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.265 | Brain Cerebrum c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.266 | Caecum c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.267 | Capillary c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.268 | Cardiac Muscle sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.269 | Cartilage |
SSI-MCS-10.270 | Cartilage Elastic |
SSI-MCS-10.271 | Cartilage Fibrous |
SSI-MCS-10.272 | Cervix sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.273 | Connective Tissue c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.274 | Developing Cartilage Bone |
SSI-MCS-10.275 | Duodenum c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.276 | Epididymis c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.277 | Epiglottis sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.278 | Epithelium Ciliated |
SSI-MCS-10.279 | Epithelium Columnar sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.280 | Epithelium Cubodial sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.281 | Epithelium Glandular |
SSI-MCS-10.282 | Epithelium Olfactory sec. From Nasal Septum |
SSI-MCS-10.283 | Epithelium Pigmented |
SSI-MCS-10.284 | Epithelium Psedo-Stratified |
SSI-MCS-10.285 | Epithelium Sensory |
SSI-MCS-10.286 | Epithelium Squamous from(Human Mouth Smear) |
SSI-MCS-10.287 | Epithelium Squamous w.m. Skin of Amphibian |
SSI-MCS-10.288 | Epithelium Stratified |
SSI-MCS-10.289 | Epithelium Transitional |
SSI-MCS-10.290 | Epithelium 3 types, Squamous, Coloumner & Cubodial |
SSI-MCS-10.291 | Esophagusc.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.292 | Eyev.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.293 | Eyelid sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.294 | Fallopian Tube c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.295 | FatTissues |
SSI-MCS-10.296 | Gland Adrenal sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.297 | Gland Lymph t.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.298 | Gland Mammary c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.299 | Gland Parathyroid sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.300 | Gland Parotid |
SSI-MCS-10.301 | Gland Pituitary sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.302 | Gland Salavary sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.303 | Gland Sublingual c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.304 | Gland Submaxillary sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.305 | Gland Thymas sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.306 | Gland Thyroid sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.307 | Golgi Complex |
SSI-MCS-10.308 | Hair w.m. |
SSI-MCS-10.309 | Heart c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.310 | Heart l.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.311 | Hyaline Cartilage c.s |
SSI-MCS-10.312 | Ileum c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.313 | Intestine Large c.s. (Rectum) |
SSI-MCS-10.314 | Intestine Small c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.315 | Jejunum c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.316 | Kidney c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.317 | Kidney Cortex c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.318 | Kidney l.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.319 | Kidney Medulla, c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.320 | Larynx c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.321 | Lip l.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.322 | Liver c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.323 | Lung c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.324 | Lungs l.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.325 | Lymph Node |
SSI-MCS-10.326 | Medulla Oblongata c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.327 | Mitochondria |
SSI-MCS-10.328 | Motor Nerve Ending |
SSI-MCS-10.329 | Mucoid Tissue sec. from Umbiclical Cord |
SSI-MCS-10.330 | Muscle Bundle sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.331 | Muscle Cardiac sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.332 | Muscle Smooth l.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.333 | Muscle Smooth sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.334 | Muscle Straited c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.335 | Muscle Straited l.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.336 | Muscle Unstraited (involuntary) |
SSI-MCS-10.337 | Muscles Voluntary (Skeletal Muscle) |
SSI-MCS-10.338 | Nerve Cell sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.339 | Nerve Cell Smear |
SSI-MCS-10.340 | Nerve Fibres |
SSI-MCS-10.341 | Nerve, Medulalated c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.342 | Nerve, Unmedullated c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.343 | Neuron sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.344 | Optic Nerve sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.345 | Ovary c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.346 | Oviduct (Fallopian Tube) c.s |
SSI-MCS-10.347 | Pancreas c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.348 | Penis c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.349 | Placenta c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.350 | Rectum (Large Intestine c.s.) |
SSI-MCS-10.351 | Reticular Tissue |
SSI-MCS-10.352 | Retina sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.353 | Scalp v.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.354 | Seminal Vesicle Section |
SSI-MCS-10.355 | Skin v.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.356 | 345 Skin with Hair sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.357 | Sperm Smear |
SSI-MCS-10.358 | Spermatic Cord c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.359 | Spermatozoa Smear |
SSI-MCS-10.360 | Spinal Cord c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.361 | Spleen c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.362 | Stomach c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.363 | Stomach Cardiac sec. through Cardiac Region |
SSI-MCS-10.364 | Testis c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.365 | Tissue Adipose |
SSI-MCS-10.366 | Tissue Aerolar |
SSI-MCS-10.367 | Tissue Mucous |
SSI-MCS-10.368 | Tongue c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.369 | Tonsils c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.370 | Tooth l.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.371 | Trachea c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.372 | Umblical Cord c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.373 | Ureter c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.374 | Urinary Bladder c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.375 | Uterus c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.376 | Vagina c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.377 | Vein c.s. |
SSI-MCS-10.378 | White fibrous connective tissue sec.(Tendon) |
SSI-MCS-10.379 | Yellow Elastic connective tissue sec. |
SSI-MCS-10.380 | Yolk Gland c.s. |
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Categories:BIOLOGY, Prepared Micro Slides